Planned Meeting 2 - 25th September 2022

Date: 25th August 2022

Time: 3.00 pm

Duration: 1 Hour

Meeting Summary: 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ac est efficitur, faucibus leo vel, tempus metus. Aenean quam quam, vestibulum non scelerisque quis, pretium at lacus.

Maecenas ac est fringilla dui sollicitudin facilisis nec vitae lacus. Nam interdum tincidunt nisl. Sed ac tincidunt tortor. Ut ac erat eu est

Discuss agency performance and decide whether to renew for another year.


  1. Review agency performance to date and compare against benchmarks
  2. Discussion: Does missing benchmarks warrant a change? Is it worth the costs?
  3. Decision: Should we renew with them for another year